- Andrew Newman Photography

Andrew Newman Photography

It was a disappointing trip down to Portland Bill to watch Storm Arwen batter the famous cliff and lighthouse – winds were gusting at up to 60 mph, but I hadn’t appreciated that as they were coming from inland and out to sea that the cliffs acted as a windbreak and the water in front of me was more or less calm.The light though was pretty good, and I managed to get some nice cloud and sunbeam shots as well as explore the lighthouse itself which was open to visitors despite the storm (literally) blowing a gale outside
 - Andrew Newman Photography
It was a disappointing trip down to Portland Bill to watch Storm Arwen batter the famous cliff and lighthouse – winds were gusting at up to 60 mph, but I hadn’t appreciated that as they were coming from inland and out to sea that the cliffs acted as a windbreak and the water in front of me was more or less calm.The light though was pretty good, and I managed to get some nice cloud and sunbeam shots as well as explore the lighthouse itself which was open to visitors despite the storm (literally) blowing a gale outside